Help with transport getting to meetings


We support carers who live in Kineton but also further afield, in nearby villages and the surrounding rural area. In practice, people attend our meetings who live roughly within about fifteen miles of Kineton. If carers do not have their own transport, limited public bus services can make coming to our meetings almost impossible, especially if they have accessibility needs.

In 2023 we took the decision to book the Back&4th Community minibus for anyone wishing to come to our meetings from the direction of Wellesbourne. The minibus, with friendly and helpful volunteer drivers, will pick up from your home address or from Wellesbourne Village Hall.  It will also collect carers and companions living enroute to Kineton or in and around Kineton and being fully accessible means anyone who uses a wheelchair or other mobility aid can board.

Travelling by minibus is, of course, much more environmentally friendly than bringing the car even if you do drive, it’s an opportunity for someone else to do the driving and it’s more fun travelling with others. Simply let us know the Friday before the monthly meeting and we will contact you the following week with a pick-up time.  For those able to pay it, we welcome a small donation towards the cost.